Emotions are always with us, even when we are not fully aware of them. We experience them innately and automatically throughout the day and throughout our lives. From the moment we are born, these reactions are part of us and, at different stages, they can be more intense, to the point of seeming uncontrollable. However, they are essential because they make us feel alive. Learning to recognize, accept and manage our emotions allows us to adapt better, without them dominating or affecting our ability to think, a crucial aspect for making good decisions. Thus, living with our emotions in an appropriate way is not only essential for our personal well-being, but also for our interpersonal relationships and our emotional growth.
What are emotions?
Emotions are what drive us and make us feel alive. Etymologically, the word “emotion” comes from the Latin emotio , meaning “movement” or “impulse.” This reflects how emotions move us toward certain actions or thoughts. They are automatic responses to internal or external stimuli, which allow us to adapt to the situations we face. Often, we feel first and think later, making emotions an alert system that informs us about what is happening to us in the “here and now.” However, when we act in disagreement with what we feel or avoid recognizing our emotions, this can lead to anxiety and discomfort.
Emotions serve a vital function, as they provide us with valuable information about our experiences, our relationships and the environment in which we operate. They guide our reactions and help us focus our attention on what really matters. In this sense, they can be considered a kind of internal compass that guides us in our daily lives.
Psychologist Paul Ekman identified six basic universal emotions: joy, sadness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise. These emotions are not determined by culture, but by biology, and are shared by all people, regardless of their origin. Each of these emotions has a specific function:
Joy motivates us to continue with what gives us pleasure.
Sadness tells us that we have lost something important.
Anger helps us defend ourselves against threats.
Fear protects us from danger.
Disgust keeps us away from what could be harmful.
Surprise keeps us alert to unexpected situations.
The importance of managing emotions
Accepting our emotions, even those that make us feel uncomfortable, allows us to learn more about ourselves. All emotions are necessary and useful; the key is to know how to manage them, which means not repressing or ignoring them, but rather understanding and digesting them. If we manage to recognize and manage our emotions, they become an ally that guides and supports us in our search for well-being.
Managing our emotions is key to living a balanced life. When we learn to identify them, we better understand our needs and desires, which helps us make healthier decisions. In addition, improving our ability to manage emotions directly impacts the quality of our relationships, allowing us to create more harmonious and satisfying bonds.
How can emotions be managed?
Managing emotions is a process that begins with recognizing them. The first step is to identify what we are feeling, without judging ourselves. Then, it is important to accept those emotions, allowing ourselves to feel them without repressing them. Finally, we must pay attention to how they manifest in our body, since emotions are closely linked to our physical sensations. From this conscious work, we can regulate the intensity of emotions and express them appropriately, preventing them from becoming an obstacle to our well-being.
Emotional management is essential for our personal development and allows us to live in a more conscious and healthy way. By learning to recognize, accept and manage our emotions, we improve our relationship with ourselves and contribute to creating a more positive and enriching environment. Promoting the learning of emotional management from any stage of life is a powerful tool to achieve greater emotional balance and well-being, helping us to lead a fuller and more satisfying life.
aparece en Inglés, alguna razón en especial=?
Exelente artículo, muchas veces sentimos casos que a veces no entendemos y no tenemos claro el porque nos sentimos así.
La verdad que es muy importante conocer y diferenciar nuestras emociones nos ayuda a desenvolvernos mejor y os ayuda a tomar mejores decisiones y a socializar muchas mejor con las personas que tenemos en nuestro entorno.
Gracias por esa información tan valiosa.